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You're looking at a MomPreneur...

No matter how things look, I am an infant when it comes to being a business owner! Like, almost a newborn...but I learned a little bit so I'm going to go with an infant. Anywho...because I am well aware that I am an infant, I value education, and I know that I can not grow without the help of others I seek out opportunities to learn and grow. Mom's As Entrepreneurs was dropped in my life and boy oh boy am I glad that it was!

Mom's As Entrepreneurs is an organization founded by Tammira Lucas and Jasmine Simms and

their mission is to educate and assist Mom's who are starting businesses. For 8 weeks, 11 Moms and myself met every Monday on the campus of Morgan State University to gain knowledge that will help us to build and grow successful businesses. From Accounting, to market research, customer inquiries, financial planning...we learned it all and on this Monday we met for the final time for an Expo where we were able to showcase our businesses to the public and a group of judges. We put all that we had learned to the test and proved that we can do all things! I am so excited to have been surrounded by such phenomenal women who inspire my daily to push past my fears and live my best life! I mean, these women were starting funeral businesses, hair salons, women's defense trainings, tutoring services, t-shirt companies, life name it, they were in the room! And the best part was that I was in the room with them!

Now, it was not small feat. Each Mom had to set up an exhibit table to showcase their business and speak to the public, including 5 judges, about what their business is, what problem your business solves, who your market is, your marketing strategies, revenue, expenses, and just about every other question in the world...I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean. I learned so much about myself and most importantly I learned that we can only make it and be successful together. I truly believe that if one of us makes it...we all made it! What an experience.

Thank you so much to the GLAMBULOUS Tammira and Jasmine for sharing so freely! Thank you Omar Muhammed from Morgan State University for providing amazing insight and putting up with a room full of amazing women! And last, but certainly not least, thank you to the MAE's both past and present for standing in the gap for me. For being strong when I was weak. For picking me up when I fell. For encouraging me. For supporting me. For cheering me on. For showing me what being a Mom is all about. You all are phenomenal! Thank you to the amazing judges that gave of their time to come out support, encourage, and motivate Mom's in business to push forward and be great. We truly appreciate you.Cohort 3 will be starting soon. I am calling all Mom's who are thinking about starting businesses to register. The information you will learn is invaluable and the connections you will make are life changing.

Look out we come!

It's all LOVE...

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